miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


Ten golden rules of successful


Part 2

6.  Bet only in situations where you think you have an edge.

If everyone else knows what you know then you can be sure the prices for
your "sure bet" will be at their lowest.  You may make a modest profit this
time but betting this way over the longer period will never bring you a consistent profit. 
Look for horse races or other bets where you think the odds on offer are more than
they should be for the true likelihood of winning - call these "Value Horses"
- and you'll have profits to be proud of over the longer term.

7.  Don't let strange results throw you.

As I said in part 1, there is no such thing as a certainty.  So you need to make
sure you are not thrown by turnarounds you were not expecting. If you are
following a really good race horse that gives you great expectations and he
meets an unexpected defeat, don't let that one event put you off backing him
in the future.  Week in week out, favourites that have been beaten last time
out come home on their next outing.  It infuriates punters, but they only have
themselves to blame.  Take time to analyse an unexpected defeat and you
may well see that a good opportunity is still just around the corner whilst the
less wise majority have given up on him.

8.  Look for situations where others are betting emotionally.

I said in part one that you shouldn't bet with emotion.  However, there are
opportunities when you can see that others are doing exactly that.

In times when everyone is looking for instant gratification there are plenty
of times where punters are too easily deceived by a single good performance. 
Often the press will start writing up the chances of a two year old racehorse
for the following year's Derby or Guineas after only one or two good
performances.  So punters will then start backing ante-post on emotion only. 
On race day however, you may well find better value with other runners.
On soccer, London teams are often at shorter prices than the should be
simply because so many of the country's fans live in the capital and will
emotionally back their home sides.  You can profit from the folly of others.

9.  Plot a strategy

Get a strategy and stick to it.  Don't bet on whims.  That doesn't mean
you should be inflexible but do bet in a structured way.
If you place small bets for fun on weekdays then at least try to take your
weekend bets as a serious business with heavier wagers.  Better still 'though,
cut out the "fun" bets altogether.  Ultimately there's far more fun in consistently
winning than haphazardly losing.

10.  Enjoy your betting

To put it another way - just know when to STOP.  Keep a check on
yourself and always try to be honest if you ever feel that betting is
running away with you.  A long losing run tells you you should change
your system.  If you've followed the other rules 'though you won't gave
got into a situation where you are painfully losing money.  Be prepared
to stop and take stock.  Betting should be a pleasure - but not an
adrenaline rush.  If you ever feel you need help to get back in control,
take it sooner or later.  Gamblers anonymous.

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