Horse Racing Systems
Ten golden rules of successful betting
Part 1
Rather than just give you weekly systems to bet with blindly I want to pass on knowledge I've gathered from experienced punters to make their betting more successful. Here are ten rules that will put more money in your pocket and keep it out of the hands of the bookies. Part II tomorrow.1) Never bet more than you can afford to lose.
That should be blindingly obvious - but sadly too many amateur punters just take a risk, hoping that this one will be the big win they need. The only way to stand a chance of winning over the long term is to have a consistent plan and to use a dedicated betting bank that contains no more money than you would be prepared to lose entirely in the worst of circumstances.
Once you start staking amounts you can't afford to lose your judgement will inevitably be affected. Also, there's no thrill in putting your financeal future, or even your family's financial future on the line.
Decide on the maximum wager you feel comfortable with. It doesn't mean you have to be happy to lose it. Just that you can afford to lose it if the worst should happen. Otherwise your betting will go nowhere.
2) Remember there are no certainties.
If you study probability you will learn that absolutely NOTHING is impossible. No matter how big a cert something looks, never bet your last penny on it. Scientists only talk in probabilities. It is regarded as highly unlikely that the moon will crash into the earth tomorrow - but it is not impossible. The odds of winning the UK national lottery are 14,000,000 to one - but almost every week someone wins it. However much you may feel you are on to "a good thing", only ever commit a small proportion of your available funds to it. When things go wrong - as sometimes they WILL then you will live to fight another day.
3) Be flexible in your approach
There is more than one way to win in betting. An approach that works for one punter may not work for another. Experiment to find the approaches that work for your betting and then spend enough time with them to let them work over time. At the same time, however, do not close you mind to other possibilities. There are many approaches you can study to back, lay, trade, arbitrage, bet in running, use software to enhance trading or staking. Among the free systems we'll send you from you may well find two or more methods that, when combined together, give you the magic edge.
4) Keep a record of your bets
Keeping records is ESSENTIAL. You can start to build up a picture of the bets that work for you and those that don't. Without keeping records you are shooting in the dark. Of course it's tough to have to write down those painful losing bets when you'd prefer to forget them, but if you want to make a long-term success of betting you need a record of your failures as well as your successes. If you can use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or similar then that can help you to easily analyse profitable statistics. If not then at the very least a dedicated paper notebook should be there to do the job.
5) Don't bet on emotion
Betting on situations when you have an emotional envolvement is to be avoided at all costs. It should be obvious, but never bet on your favourite soccer team just because you are desperate to see them win. Your bets should be guided by the VALUE that you can get from a win. Not just what you think is the likelihood of a win. The most successful punters have no emotional involvement in the outcome of a sport. If you want to watch a race or a match for the enjoyment of the game then do that without betting on it. It also means you won't have the possibility of a double disappointment if your favourite team loses and you also lose a bet.
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